Bru and Reang in Tripura

Bru or Reang are the second largest tribal community of Tripura. The Bru can be found all over the Tripura state in India. However, they may also be found in Assam, Mizoram and other countries like Bangladesh and Myanmar. They speak Bru language locally known as Kaubru.

The Bru are a Tripuri clan from the state of Tripura in India.They are known as “Riang” in the Indian Constitution. The Bru’s, on the other hand, identify as “Reang” rather than “Riang,” and are often referred to as Bru. Bru belongs to Indo-Mongoloid racial stock. Their languages has affinity of Austro-Asiatic groups under Tibeto-Burman family.

During the Manikya Dynasty, Reang was locally known as Bru and called themselves Bru. But a small mistake during a cencus count gave the tribe its new name, Reang. The orginal and traditional name that these people have been using to recognize themselves is “Bru”. The Bru community is made up of 13 clans or panjis; in that clan, Reang is also included. The clan is Molsoi, Tuimui, Msha, Yakcho, Apeto, Wairem, Meska, Raikchak, Chorkhi, Chongpreng, Nouhkham, Yakstam and Reang.

Who is Bru

The Bru are the second-largest tribal community of Tripura. The Bru can be found all over the state of Tripura in India. However, they may also be found in Assam, Mizoram and other countries like Bangladesh and Myanmar. They speak Bru language locally known as Kaubru. Reang or Riang, is one clan or panji of the Bru community. The correct name of this ethnic group is Bru.

Who is Reang

Reang or Riang, is one clan or panji of the Bru community.The clans are Molsoi, Tuimui, Msha, Yakcho, Apeto, Wairem, Meska, Raikchak, Chorkhi, Chongpreng, Nouhkham, Yakstam and Reang. During the Manikya Dynasty, Reang was locally known as Bru and called themselves Bru. But a small mistake during a cencus count gave the tribe its new name, Reang. The orginal and traditional name that these people have been using to recognize themselves is “Bru”. The Bru community is made up of 13 clans or panjis; in that clan, Reang is also included.

The Bru people use a panji name in their surname. If they belong to Molsoi, Meska and so on. They use the Reang title in documents because of a past mistake. But they are still using the panji name in their real names, just like a Bengali. They also has a different title, but they are known as Bengali. The Bru also have a different panji, but are locally known as Bru.

Religious Beliefs and Practices

The Bru are religiously practicing Vaishnavite Hinduism. Among them are 80% Hindus and 20% Christians. Bru are polytheits and believe in multiple gods and goddesses. The worshipping style of the Bru is also similar to the other tribes of Tipura. The priest, or Okchai, performs the rituals. Their important festival is the same as other tribes in Tripura. The festivals are Boisu, Ker, Ganga mtai, Goria, Chitragupra, Songrongma, Hojagiri, Katangi puja, Lampra Uohthoh. Laxmi puja or Mainouhma puja is very famous puja, which are celebrated on kartik purnima.

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