In this topic we will see the translation of medical Doctors name and their works in Kaubru language

  1. Allergist/ Immunologist( Allergy/ Mshauh kthaya ma manoi ni doctors)-They treat immune system disorders such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, insect sting allergies, and some autoimmune diseases.( Brau khe mshauh kthaya ongnaima biaram rau, rangma hamya, mkuh kraing/mtaunaima,mai moi kthaya ma, yongsa kucha waihmo kthaya ma tre mshauh hamya ma ni nainai ma Doctors).
  2. Anesthesiologists(Mthi bai bahain samo no mthauh naima Doctors)-These doctors give you drugs to numb your pain or to put you under control during surgery, childbirth, or other procedures. (Bo doctors rau khe mthi rimo bai bahain samo ma no mthauh naima, surgery somoin o rugi no control khe toinaima).
  3. Cardiologists( Mkhahni doctors)-They’re experts on the heart and blood vessels.( Brau khe mkhah bai sir mtung ni krung).
  4. Colon & Rectal Surgeons(Bohouh mdu steh ni doctors)- They can treat colon cancer, hemorrhoids, and inflammatory bowel disease.( Brau khe bohouh mdu ste o cancer ongmo rauno surgery khenaima).
  5. Critical Care Medicine Specialists( Asa maimo kom rugi rauni Doctors)-They care for people who are critically ill or injured, often heading intensive care units in hospitals.( Braukhe je Asa maimo kom rauni doctors, brauno bisi bauh ICU rau nuhnai).
  6. Dermatologists(Mkuh,mkhnaing,yauhskuh ni Doctors)-Have problems with your skin, hair, nails? Do you have moles, scars, acne, or skin allergies? Dermatologists can help.( Nrauni mkuh, mkhnaing, yauhskuh ni khaukchoimo de tong? Tongkhe bo Doctors ni thing thangmaiyo.
  7. Dentist( Buwa ni doctors)- Dentist treat your teeth when there is tooth decay and help them replace them again.( Bo doctors rau khe buwa kchauh rauno naiye uchi buwa kta thepha rianai rau).
  8. Endocrinologists(Sugar, thyroid, msa maiya ongmo, calcium bai mkreng ni doctors)-They can treat conditions like diabetes, thyroid problems, infertility, and calcium and bone disorders.(Sugar, Thyroid, Calcium kom ongmo, msa maiya ongmo tre mkreng rauya ongmo no naimnai ma doctors).
  9. Emergency Medicine Specialist(Somoin kom/ Dora Dosi somin o nainai ma doctos)-Their job is to save lives and to avoid or lower the chances of disability.( Brauni rungmo khe somoin kom somoin o rugi no mthang laruh yagnaima mthi bai).
  10. Family physicians( Nohkhung ni Doctors)-They care for the whole family, including children, adults, and the elderly. They do routine checkups and screening tests, give you flu and immunization shots, and manage diabetes and other ongoing medical conditions.( Braukhe nohkhung o nainai ma doctors. Somoin somoin o routine check up khenaima).
  11. Gastroenterologists( Bohouh ni Doctors)-They’re specialists in digestive organs, including the stomach, bowels, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. ( Brauni sinkrung khe Bohouh,Dasprama,Mkhah splong rauni doctors).
  12. Geriatric Medicine Specialists( Bosi Kra rauni doctors)-These doctors care for the elderly.( Brau khe bura burchouh rauno nainai ma doctors).
  13. Hematologists( Mthoi ni sin krung doctors)-These are specialists in diseases of the blood, spleen, and lymph glands, like sickle cell disease, anemia, hemophilia, and leukemia.( Brau khe Mthoi, busuii rau o biaram no nainai ma doctors).
  14. Hospice & Palliative Medicine Specialists(Kthoi skang nainai ma doctors)-They work with people who are nearing death. They’re experts in pain management. ( Brau khe brouh kthoi skang o nainai ma. Brauni rungmo ma khe mshauh saya kheyag naima o krung).
  15. Infectious Disease Specialists( Biaram kba maina ni doctors)-They diagnose and treat infections in any part of your body. ( Brau khe Biaram Chaya ma Bengni thing Kbasa maina ma no naituh khouh ye hamri mainai ma doctors).
  16. Internists(Houhgra rauni doctors)-These primary-care doctors treat both common and complex illnesses, usually only in adults.( Bo doctors rau khe bisi bauh ye houhgra brouhni biaram khaukchoinaima rauno nainai ma).
  17. Medical Geneticists( Mchoi Mchuh ni ching maibi mo biram no nainai ma doctors)-They diagnose and treat hereditary disorders passed down from parents to children.( Mchoi Mchu ni sauh nching biaram maibi phaimo no nainai ma doctors).
  18. Nephrologist(Kidney Doctor)-They treat kidney diseases as well as high blood pressure and fluid and mineral imbalances linked to kidney disease.( Brau khe kidney ni biaram akhe sori ni pressure kbang rauno treat khewo).
  19. Obstericians & Gynecologists(Broi rauni doctors)- These doctors focus on women’s health, including pregnancy and childbirth.( Bo doctors rau khe broi rau sauhkplong ongphu ongkhe apheih baaphu nainai ma).
  20. Oncologists( Cancer ni Doctors)-These internists are cancer specialists.( Bo doctors rau khe cancer no nai o).
  21. Ophthalmologist( Mkoih Doctors)- You call them eye doctors. They candiagnose and treat diseases like glaucoma, and do cataract surgery and any other eye related diseases.( Bo doctors raukhe mkoih ni biaram no naiwo. Mkoih ni pessure kbangmo( glaucoma) akhe mkoih baamo( cataract) rauno surgery khe o).
  22. Osteopaths(Brouh msauh manangni doctors)-Osteopaths use the latest medical technology but also the body’s natural ability to heal itself.( Osteopaths raukhe msauh manang no treatment khe o. Biaram keha no naisuh yamani msauh manang no hamri yagnai nai o).
  23. Otolaryngologists(Khunju,Kongthaima, Totra ni doctors)-They treat diseases in the ears, nose, throat, sinuses, head, neck, and respiratory system. They also can do reconstructive and plastic surgery on your head and neck.( Braukhe khunju, kongthaima akhe totra, gorna samo mkhrouh samo rauni doctors).
  24. Pathologists(Laboratory o biaram naikhouh naima doctors)-These lab doctors identify the causes of diseases by examining body tissues and fluids under microscopes.( Bo doctors raukhe laboratory o brouhni thui bai msauhni blentoi eauno pore ye biaram naikhouh o).
  25. Pediatricians( Chrai harau ni doctors)-They care for children from birth to young adulthood.( Bo doctors raukhe Chrai harau ni biaram rauno nainai rau).
  26. Physiatrists(Msauh bai mkreng ni doctors)-These specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation treat neck or back pain and other disabilities cause due to injuries.( Bo doctors rau khe msauh ni mthi bai gorna bai mkreng rau samo tre yakong yauh baimo accident bai, bo dei ma rauno nainai ma).
  27. Plastic surgeon(Plastic Doctors)-They rebuild or repair your skin, face, hands, breasts, or body. That can happen after an injury or disease or for cosmetic reasons.( Accident baikhe Msauh mkuh, mkhang yauh, abouh rauno nosto ongpho cosmetic bai khe thik khephi mainai ma doctors.).
  28. Podiatrists(Yakong jora rauni doctors)-They care for problems in your ankles and feet. That can include injuries from accidents or sports or from ongoing health conditions like diabetes.( Nrauni yakong, yakong jora rau o dugu maikhe bo doctors nai o).
  29. Preventive Medicine Specialists( Nangkhruh saunaima mthi krung doctors)-They focus on keeping you well. They may work in public health or at hospitals. Some focus on treating people with addictions, illnesses from exposure to drugs, chemicals, and poisons, and other areas.( Bo brau khe biaram maiya skang biaram no paiyagnaima ni mthi krung doctors).
  30. Psychiatrists(Kbor rauni Doctors)-These doctors work with people with mental, emotional, or addictive disorders( Bo doctors rau khe kbor, chongsouhmaiya ma brouh akhe mthi chanai boinai rauno hamri naima doctors).
  31. Pulmonologists(Rangma lama no nainai ma doctors)-You would see these specialists for problems like lung cancer, pneumonia, asthma, emphysema, and trouble sleeping caused by breathing issues.( Bo doctors rau khe mkha plong cancer mainai, rangma hamya mainai rauno nainai ma doctors).
  32. Radiologists(X-Ray doctors)-They use X-rays, ultrasound, and other imaging tests to diagnose diseases. ( Brau khe X-Ray rau bai khe biaram naikhouh naima doctors).
  33. Rheumatologists(Jora, baihaiing, mkreng rauni doctors)-They specialize in arthritis and other diseases in your joints, muscles, bones, and tendons.( Jora rau mkreng rauno thik khenai ma doctors).
  34. Sleep Medicine Specialists( Mutroi ni mthi doctors)- They find and treat causes behind your poor sleep.( Bo doctors khe mutoi kaham khe maimai ya ongmo ni karon no naiye mthi bai khe hamri naima doctors).
  35. Sports Medicine Specialists( Khela ni mthi doctors)-These doctors diagnose, treat, and prevent injuries related to sports and exercise.( Bo doctors khe khela gula thungphu o dugu maimo no naikhouh ye hamri naima doctors).
  36. General Surgeon( Msauh manang ni doctors)- These doctors can operate on all parts of your body.( Bo doctors rau khe msauh manang ni biaram no operation khemainai doctors).
  37. Urologists(Kla Broi rauni stoi nkhouh ni doctors)-These are surgeons who care for men and women for problems in the urinary tract, like a leaky bladder. They also treat male infertility and do prostate exams.( Bo doctors rau khe kla broi rauni stoi lama khe msa achaiyagnaima ni lama broi rauni thing, stoi nkhouh ni lama rafuno nainai ma doctors).

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